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Preparing for your emissions test. Emission Time- By Megan Evans.

Summer Automotive Maintenance Tips

With warmer weather approaching, our guest blogger Rachel Min of Rayno Window Film is here to offer tips on preparing your car for summer. Make your car road trip worthy with automotive maintenance.

Tips For Getting Your Vehicle Ready For Summer

Summer is the best time to get your car on the road and enjoy some driving. Maybe you’re going to take a long road trip to your summer vacation destination. Perhaps you’re going to drive to the beach to spend your Saturday in the sun and surf. Or, maybe you just want to hit the open road for a while with the top down and your favorite tunes blasting. No matter what your plans are this summer, your car probably figures into them. That’s why it’s essential to make sure your car or truck is ready for summer. The warm weather and sun are great, but they can put a lot of stress on your vehicle’s vital systems and parts. Before summer is in full swing, here are some important tips for getting your vehicle ready.

Make Sure Your Air Conditioning Works

There’s nothing worse than suffering in a hot car during the summer. Before the weather gets too hot, take your car to your mechanic and have the air-conditioning system inspected — including making sure that there’s enough coolant to last you through the season.

Check Your Tires for Wear and Tear

The heat of the road during the summer can be murder on your tires. That’s why it’s a good idea to inspect them before temperatures rise — to ensure they’re in good condition. In addition to checking the tread levels, make sure your tires don’t have any unusual bulges, bumps or cracks in them. Always make sure your tires are properly inflated and have them rotated before starting a long road trip.

Consider Tinting Your Windows

The sun is what makes summer enjoyable, but it also can make your car uncomfortably hot and difficult to drive. By applying window film to the interior of your car, you can reduce the amount of UV rays you’re exposed to when driving. It also reduces the glare you might encounter while driving into the sun — helping to keep your car’s interior cooler during the day.

Upgrade Your Alarm System

The warmer weather brings people out of their homes to enjoy the outdoors. Unfortunately, that includes thieves. Before summer starts, make sure your vehicle’s alarm system is in proper working condition. The last thing you want is to return to your car after a day of summer fun to discover that someone’s broken into it.

Top Off All Your Fluids

It’s easy to get thirsty in the summer heat, and your car or truck is no exception.

Before summer starts, always make sure that all of your car’s fluids are in good supply — especially coolant. Otherwise, you might be spending part of your summer standing next to your overheated car on the highway waiting for help to arrive.

Look Into a New Sound System

If you’re the type of person who can’t go anywhere without some tunes, you probably want your car’s stereo system to be at its best. Summer is the time to have the best sound system, so you might want to consider an upgrade that features the latest technology, such as Bluetooth connectivity.

Make Sure Your Battery Is Ready

Your car’s battery does a lot of work in the summer, so make sure it’s in good shape before the season starts. Your mechanic can test it to confirm it has enough juice to do everything your car needs it to do in the summer months.

Summertime means fun in the sun. Yet there’s nothing less fun than your car breaking down when you need it to be at its best. Take the time to properly care for your vehicle before summer kicks into high gear, and you can avoid turning the warm weather into a hot mess.

Author bio: Rachel Min serves as Director of Marketing at Rayno Window Film. Since Rayno’s beginning, Min has been playing a leading role in promoting Rayno’s brand, products, services and benefits of window films.


5 New Year Car Care Resolutions

Emission Time welcomes guest blogger, James Burke from the UK. He will cover car care tips to keep your vehicle in top shape this year! Automotive maintenance and preventative care will keep your car running for a long time and save you money on costly repairs.

With January nearly behind us, many of us will be reflecting on the resolutions we made at the start of the year. While it’s common to make pledges to look after ourselves better, why not make a promise to your vehicle to take better care of it, too? Your wallet and your car will thank you in the long run.

We asked the team at to provide us with their five top ways you can take better care of your car in 2018. Here they are:


  • Check and change the car’s fluids regularly


Make sure you check your oil levels regularly and get the oil changed at least every six months to avoid a build-up of contaminants and dirt in the engine. You also need to check the brake fluid, transmission fluid and coolant levels – make sure there are no leaks under your car which could lead to major problems. While unlikely to occur, it’s still best to check regularly that way, if something were to go wrong you could spot it immediately.


  • Assess the pressure and condition of your tires


You should make sure you check your tires every fortnight, to make sure they are at the right pressure and are not suffering from wear and tear. This regular check can help you avoid more serious problems further down the line including a flat tire or puncture which could be dangerous if you are driving at the time. Your car manual will advise you what the tire pressures should be and it’s easy enough to check them at most local gas stations.


  • Get your car serviced regularly


The winter road conditions put added pressure on your car’s system with mud, salt and grit all causing wear and tear and damage, so make sure you stick to your car’s servicing and maintenance schedules throughout the winter months. Wash your car regularly, even if it might feel like a waste of time! If you leave salt and grit on the paintwork it will corrode and cause rust problems so it’s important to keep washing your car. Make sure you get a mechanic to check over your car’s brake system in the winter as well as it works a lot harder this time of year so can be subject to wear and tear. It’s also a good time of year to check the charge in your car battery as the cold temperature can affect it. Batteries should normally be replaced every five years but you can get the charge checked over by a garage, so you know how much life it has left in it.


  • Don’t let little issues grow into big problems


If your car has been making a slightly strange noise, or smell, for some time, but you have ignored it, then make one of your car care resolutions to resolve all small issues straight away, rather than leave them and hope they go away. If your wiper blade is starting to go wonky and the brakes have started squeaking occasionally, then take your car into be checked over and fixed. Unfortunately leaving little things for too long can result in a much more unpleasant and far more costly problem so it’s always best to get them resolved straight away.


  • Drive your car carefully


How you drive your car has an impact on its performance as much as anything else so if you want to take good care of your car this winter, then drive it steadily and economically. Staying within the speed limit no only makes you a better motorist; it will help to reduce your fuel bill and should help you to avoid damage to your car by avoiding potholes and other dangers in the road.

The more aggressively you drive your vehicle, the more wear and tear and strain you inflict on it, so driving carefully and economically will help your car to last longer and avoid stresses and strains on the engine and body work which could cause problems in the future.

There are many other options for taking better care of your car in 2018 including keeping it in the garage at night if you have one, and driving it regularly through the winter so that it doesn’t suffer from the cold temperatures too much.

Take better care of your car is a great resolution to make as looking after your vehicle better will definitely save you money in the long run. By keeping the car in tip top condition, dealing with little issues as and when they come up and watching out for leaks and problems, you will be able to avoid major repair bills further down the line.

Driving safely not only reduces the wear and tear on your car but it will also help to lower your fuel bills as well, so taking better care of your car really should be part and parcel of looking after the pennies.


How To Save Money On Car Maintenance With An OBD-II Scanner

Emission Time welcomes guest blogger Tim Miller, an avid car mechanic and founder of Tim offers useful tips for automotive maintenance using OBD scanners. Let’s get started! 

A clock with the words fast service on it.Computers are working their way into everything around us, including our cars. While this makes life a bit more complicated, it can also work to save you a lot of money when it comes to fixing your car. By picking up a cheap OBD-II scanner, you can diagnose, research, and repair many common car issues without spending a lot of money or visiting a mechanic.

What’s OBD2? Does My Car Have It?

OBD-II (or OBD2) is a special format that your car uses to talk to electronic devices. OBD stands for “onboard diagnostics,” while the 2 means that this is the modern format that’s been used universally since 1996. Every car that’s been built since the introduction of OBD-II has a plug that can be hooked up to an OBD-II scanner. This allows the car’s sensors and computers to talk to your scanner and give you information about any car problems that you have.

What is An OBD2 Scanner?

On the surface, OBD-II scanners give you diagnostic information and error codes. Your car is equipped with lots of sensors that monitor key parts of the engine, drivetrain, and fuel system. When your car thinks it’s in need of maintenance, it’ll pull data from all of these sensors, turn on the check engine light, and begin outputting error codes through the OBD-II port. You can use a scanner to retrieve these codes, figure out what the problem is, and then reset your check engine light when you’ve fixed it.

Are OBD-II Scanners Just For Error Codes?

While it’s less universal, many newer cars also use their OBD-II port to govern hidden user settings. You can change how the lock button on your key dongle behaves, for example. Most cars only lock or unlock the driver’s side door on the first press. On several vehicles, you can use an OBD-II device to change that and make your dongle lock or unlock all of the doors immediately.

How Do I Use An OBD-II Scanner?

These days, the easiest way to use an OBD-II scanner is to hook it up to your phone. While standalone scanners exist, they’re much less convenient than Bluetooth or wireless models that connect to your phone without any cords at all.

Once you’ve found an OBD-II scanner you like, download a compatible app to your phone and plug it into your car’s OBD-II port. This port is usually located below the steering wheel on the driver’s side of your car, although the exact location varies. Once you turn your car on, the scanner will begin to work.

As soon as your car is on, navigate to your OBD2 app and connect to your scanner via Bluetooth or WiFi. From there, follow the on-screen interface to retrieve or reset error codes, view manufacturer-specific diagnostics, clear your check engine light, and more. It’s really that easy. You’ll be able to do everything you need from within the app!
What Do I Do With Error Codes?

Your OBD-II scanner gives you access to a lot of diagnostic information. Depending on the app you use and the error code you receive, however, it can be difficult to turn that information into a working solution that fixes your car.

The first thing you should do with any error code you get is Google it. By plugging as much information as you can into a search engine (the make, model, and year of your car, the error code, and even a short description of your problem), you’ll usually find information that’ll help you fix things. Most of the time, you’ll get the most information out of sites where other people have asked for help with similar problems. Browsing the solutions presented can give you a good idea about how to fix your car and how much time and money it will take.

Does Every OBD-II Scan Tool Read Codes From Every Car?

Your car outputs two types of trouble codes. “P0” codes are basic, universal issues, while “P1” codes are specific to certain makes and models of vehicles.

You don’t need to pair a scan tool to a specific vehicle, however. Any tool that reads P1 codes from any car will read P1 codes from your car. Be sure to get a scanner that gives you the ability to read all trouble codes, including manufacturer specific ones. Make sure your scanner can read diagnostic information and can reset codes as well.

What’s the Difference Between Trouble Codes and Diagnostics?

A trouble code is a recorded message from your car that can give you an idea of what’s going wrong. While these codes are a valuable tool for diagnosing car issues, they don’t present a complete picture. A lot of the time, they’re not specific enough for you to immediately figure out what your problem is.

Diagnostics are slightly different. Your car has dozens of sensors hooked up to important internal components. An OBD-II scanner can allow you to retrieve information from these sensors in real time. This helps you diagnose problems in detail as they occur. You can view fuel pressure, the temperatures of individual engine components, and much, much more. All of this information can help you pinpoint the cause and location of your car troubles in just a few minutes.

How Far Can You DIY?

Not every error code can be fixed easily in your own garage. Some car problems will require expensive tools, parts, and equipment to fix. When is it a good idea to fix the problem yourself and when should you involve a mechanic?

There’s no real limit to how far you can go on your own. If you’ve got experience working with cars, the right tools, and a couple of friends who can help, you can fix virtually any car issue on your own. On the other hand, if you’re less experienced, you don’t have tools, and you’re on your own, you should think carefully before you invest too much time, energy, or money into fixing your car yourself.

There are a couple important points to consider. First, your car is probably pretty important. If you plug in your scanner and the internet thinks that repairing your car will be difficult, you might want to call a professional immediately. You don’t want to accidentally make things worse or spend days working on a problem that would take a mechanic a few hours to fix. Instead, let a professional handle things so that you can have a working car as fast as possible.

Second, consider cost. If the solution you uncover seems like it’s expensive, call a mechanic and ask how much it would cost for them to fix your car. If it’s cheaper than buying the parts on your own, you should probably take the car in immediately.

Finally, safety should be a concern. If your fix requires that you do anything you’re not comfortable with (like using a jack or power tools you’re inexperienced with), you should proceed with caution. Contact a friend or family member with more experience or call a mechanic and get an estimate. You definitely don’t want to injure yourself by diving in too deep.

While this might sound like you can’t get very far on your own, in many cases it’s easy for people with no car expertise to fix their own problems. Purchasing an OBD-II scanner and researching your problem allows you to make an informed decision about how to proceed for just a few bucks. Plus, if you ever have another car problem, you’ll still have the scanner.

Beware of Cheap Diagnostic Tools

OBD-II scanners are always helpful, but they’re not all created equal. Some manufacturers make basic tools that only can read P0 error codes. These scanners can’t access more advanced P1 codes or read all of the diagnostic information that your car has to offer. Make sure that the scanner you purchase is fully functional and can read all codes and information that your car outputs.

OBD-II Scanners Can Save You Thousands Of Dollars

If you’ve got a car problem, it’s always a good idea to be informed. OBD-II scanners allow you to research your problem at home and find out more about it. In a lot of cases, you’ll be able to cheaply order parts off of the internet and perform an easy fix yourself that will solve all of your issues. Even if you can’t, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision at the mechanic and you’ll have a scanner you can use in the future to help with other issues in other cars. Over a few years, you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars by fixing small issues yourself and staying informed about your car’s maintenance issues.

For more tips on how to save money on automotive maintenance, by visiting  Find out how to DIY cleaning and detailing your car’s interior.

About the author

A clock with the words fast service on it.
I’m Tim Miller, an automotive mechanic and blogger from Denver, Colorado. I’m the founder of, an automotive blog about OBD2 scan tools. My fanpage is
I’ve had over 10 years experience in car repair and using OBD scanners.
Some of my review articles about car diagnostic tools can be found on my own website

Guest Blog | Automotive & Vehicle Care

Smog Station Quick Inspection Smoky Exhaust Pipe

Automotive Guest Blog Guidelines

We accept content that is about the automotive industry. Please note that it may take 2 weeks for us to get back to you. Once we review your content, we’ll send you an email. In some cases, we may make edits and adjustments concerning SEO. To be considered for a blog post, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Automotive maintenance
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Oil Change Service Salt Lake City

The Best 10-minute oil change near you | Salt Lake City

Why are oil changes important?

Oil changes regulate engine temperature, remove impurities and prevent metal to metal contact. The result is a better performing engine. In addition, oil changes are preventative maintenance that extends the life of your vehicle by keeping the engine clean.

Make an appointment for an oil change in Salt Lake City or Sandy

What is the difference between new and old oil?

It’ time for an oil change if you notice debris in your oil. Your engine’s oil should be clear and be fluid. If the oil consistency is too thick and similar to mud, you will not only need an oil change but an engine flush. The color of oil indicates its oxidation level. The quality of your car’s engine oil is indicated by color. Most new engine oils are originally amber in color. If the engine oil is dark in color in conjunction with a thicker consistency, that could be due to contamination. Keep in mind that some additives create a darker color. If your vehicle’s engine oil is lighter than amber, it could be due to adulteration with a water source.

Oil Change Coupons | Salt Lake City 10-minute oil change

Compared to costly engine repairs, Emission Time has oil change coupons and low prices. Emission Time’s synthetic oil helps regulate vehicle temperature in Utah’s extreme climate. Whether you own a Honda, Mercedes, Subaru or diesel, Emission Time offers customized oil changes, too. Just ask your technician. Visit an Emission Time near you for the best express quick lane oil change! For $24.99, Emission Time offers synthetic oil change with a new filter.  

Emission Time is the best place to get an oil change. Emission Time has two oil change stations near you in Salt Lake City and Sandy, Utah:

Sandy Utah Oil Change Station 

Salt Lake City Oil Change Station




10 facts about Utah’s Inversion and Car Emissions

Utah is not only known as a ski destination but for its inversion. If you don’t drive a fuel-efficient or hybrid car, there are ways you can lower your car’s emissions and lower your exposure to air pollution. Inversions happen when warm air traps the cold air, which in turn traps pollution. If outdoor air quality is poor, stay indoors and get an air purifier. Find out about Utah’s air quality.

10 facts about car emissions and Utah’s inversion:

Schedule an emissions test & safety inspection

1- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that half of all air pollution is caused by automobiles.

2- Car emissions that contribute to Utah’s inversion include ozone and carbon monoxide.

3- People who are most sensitive to ozone air pollution include asthmatics and those who suffer from Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

4- Ways you can reduce exposure to ozone pollution: If possible, only go outdoors when ozone levels are typically lower in the morning and evening. Unlike the inversion, ozone levels are higher when it’s hot and sunny.

5- Nitrogen and sulfur oxides cause acid rain.

6- Acid rain occurs when acid components enter the atmosphere through precipitation. The pH of acid rain is low and is particularly devastating to forests and lakes.

7- Acidity is not only found in rain but snow, hail, fog and even dust.

8- Want to find out if your rain is acidic? Keep a cup outside above ground to avoid contamination from dirt and use litmus paper to test pH levels. If the substance has a pH of 7 then it is neutral. Typically, unadulterated rain has a pH between 6-5.5 and pH greater than 7 is acidic and less than 7 is basic.

9- Ogden’s worst day for air pollution isn’t in the winter, but July 4th. Fireworks produce lots of air polluting particulate matter. Try to limit the amount  of fireworks if possible or go to a parade or show instead.

10- Reduce your vehicle’s emissions by using gasoline additives that keep your carburetor and intake valves clean. In addition, have your vehicle’s air filter changed every 10,000 miles to prevent contaminants from reducing engine efficiency. If your vehicle has poor gas mileage, produces a loud noise when driving or has vibrating gas pedals, it’s time to get a smog test!


Auto AC Check

Automotive AC Inspection | Emission Time Offers a FREE Vehicle AC Check

Summer is approaching and before the heat gets too intense, get your vehicle’s AC unit inspected at Emission Time at no cost to you.  Find out how the main automobile AC components help you stay cool in the summer:

  • Compressor- The compressor compresses the refrigerant and passes heat to the evaporator. If you notice that air is not blowing out of the vents, your compressor may be the issue. The compressor itself has multiple parts that can cause it to stop working. If you notice that your AC is leaking refrigerant, the compressors seals may need to be replaced. Please note that refrigerant should be handled with caution as it can get cold enough to cause frostbite.
  • The refrigerant carries the heat. If air is coming out of your vent, but it isn’t cold air, then you may be low on refrigerant.
  • The condenser and evaporator are like two radiators. Whereas the condenser expels heat, the evaporator transfers heat to the refrigerant.
  • The receiver/dryer is a filter that removes moisture and debris.

Schedule an appointment online at our Sandy or Salt Lake City Shops.

A clock with the words fast service on it.How to help your car pass emissions

Preparing for your emissions test will save you time and money in the long run. Getting regular maintenance will prevent your vehicle from having major issues in the future. If your vehicle is already having issues, fix the problem before getting your emissions tested. Certain issues to watch out for include the devious check engine light.

Even battery charge issues can cause issues with a vehicle’s smog check. If your battery caused your vehicle’s computer to lose power, then its internal self test monitors could have been erased. These self test monitors are part of your emission inspection. In order to restore your emissions monitors, you will need to drive for over a week or between 100-200 miles to be on the safe side. Prior to a smog check, make sure your car is fueled 30-70 full and inflate your tires. These two simple tasks will make your car run more smoothly during the test and having a full tank of gas will give a clear reading on emission monitors.

Lastly, get a fuel injector cleaning service to clean carbon deposits in your engine’s intake and exhaust. Getting your fuel injection line cleaned will ultimately lower your emission levels, which will help you pass emissions. In addition, fuel injection cleaning will improve engine improving combustion and increase engine performance. Yes to better gas mileage!



What is On the Spot Renewal?

On the Spot Renewal | Utah’s DMV Registration Program

A clock with the words fast service on it.

We have two DMV inspection stations: Sandy and Salt Lake City

On the Spot Renewal is a program issued by Utah Division of Motor Vehicles. The program allows emission and inspection stations to issue full DMV renewals as well as 15-day temporary permits. Once your vehicle passes the Safety Inspection and Emission Test, you can complete your annual vehicle registration renewal and receive your new license plate stickers at Emission Time.

Did you fail your emission & safety inspection?

If you failed your inspection, you do have options. Salt Lake County offers a Vehicle Repair Assistance Program to qualifying low-income residents. To get started with the application, please visit Salt Lake County Vehicle Repair Assistance Program.  Visit the above site to also find out if your vehicle is under an emission warranty or if you can waive your repairs.



The Truth about Fuel Treatment Products

A clock with the words fast service on it.

Fuel treatment and additive products are everywhere. You have probably seen the commercials and magazine ads, and, if you’ve recently visited the auto parts store, the huge fuel additive displays. Each one makes bold claims, promising to reduce emissions, improve gas mileage and get your whites cleaner. Many of these claims are suspect, however. Recently, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission compelled one additive company to provide refunds to consumers who purchased their worthless fuel treatment product.* Read on to learn more about fuel additives.

Fuel Injector Cleaners

Most cars today have fuel injectors rather than carburetors, so you may wonder about the products designed to clean injectors. Most newer cars feature what are called gasoline direct fuel injectors (GDIs), which are located within the combustion chamber. This location can mean trouble for injectors, however, and buildup is essentially a given. Removing this buildup requires a specialized service procedure for GDIs. If your car has the previous-generation port fuel injectors, some high-grade additives containing PEA are shown to be somewhat effective at removing deposits.

Fuel System Cleaning Products

Fuel system cleaners are designed to clean the entire system, not just the injectors. Those components include (if applicable for your car) carburetors, intake valves, ports and combustion chambers. These all-purpose additives can range from $10 to well over $100, and most have no scientific basis for their claims. Most car-care professionals advise against using these products if you already have a problem, but believe that some of the better ones are useful as a preventive treatment if you put a lot of miles on your vehicle.

When You Should Use Fuel Additives

If you don’t drive your car often, or if you have a vehicle that you only use on occasion, fuel stabilizer products will help prevent your gas from becoming stale. If your goal is to improve gas mileage, however, skip the additives and instead focus on keeping your tires properly inflated, your air filter clean and your wheels properly aligned. If you have an older car, additives can help reduce carbon buildup if you use them consistently. If you have a problem with water in your gasoline, look for a treatment containing the ingredient PIB, which is known to help remove water. The ingredient known as PEA contains nitrogen and is regarded as the one additive that can provide some degree of fuel system cleaning.

Providing car care services, safety inspections and on-the-spot registration renewal stickers in the Sandy and Salt Lake City areas, Emission Time provides the high-quality service that will keep your car running strong year after year. Visit Emission Time today for speedy, professional service. While you’re there, ask whether fuel treatment may be helpful for you.